
Traffic Light Rhyme


Red light, red light
What do you say?
I say stop - stop
Right away.

Yellow light, yellow light
What do you say?
I say wait - wait
Right away.

Green light, green light
What do you say?
I say go - go
Go away.

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Safe Walking

Your parents may not allow you to walk near the road by yourself or with your friends yet. It can be very dangerous if you don't pay careful attention to everything that is going on around you. Your parents will know when you are ready to take this step toward growing up.


There are laws and rules to help keep you safe when you are walking. If your parents do allow you to walk along the side of the road, the most important thing for you to do is to stay out of the road. This is easy if you are walking in an area with sidewalks. In areas where there are no sidewalks, you should walk facing traffic on the shoulder of the road as far from the driving lane as possible.

Signs & Signals

In some areas there are signs, signals and roadway markings to help you to cross the road safely.


When you cross the street at a corner with a signal light, you should wait for the green light to show in the direction you are walking.


At busy intersections there may be lines on the road called a crosswalk for you to walk between. There may also be special signals to tell you it is okay to cross the street. There is a green light with a picture of a person walking.

Always look both ways before you cross the street, by looking left, right and left again to make sure no cars are coming or turning into the crosswalk.

Yellow lights and signs mean caution or that you are coming to a dangerous area. If you are waiting to cross the street, you should not cross if the light is yellow. The light is about to turn red, and cars will enter the intersection.

yellowA yellow traffic light means to use caution

  • If you are in the street, finish crossing the street.
  • If you have not started crossing the street, stay on the curb.

This sign means that you are coming to a crosswalk

  • Crosswalks are two white lines painted on the road which go across the street. You should walk inside the lines.
  • Cars, bicycles and in-line skates must stop to allow people in the crosswalk to cross the street.
  • When you use the crosswalk to cross the street, before you step into the street, you should look carefully to the left, right and left again to be sure it is safe to cross.

This sign means you are near a crosswalk by a school

  • On school days this area will be busy when school is opening and closing.
  • At this crosswalk, like any other crosswalk, it is important to look carefully to the left, right and left again if you have to cross the street.
  • If you must walk through parked traffic, stop and look carefully before stepping out from between vehicles.
  • Don't run between parked cars and buses.
  • Remember the danger areas close to school buses where the driver can't see you.


When the signal light turns red, stop. If the light is red in the direction you are walking, do not cross the street.


When you see a red light with picture of a man, stop. Wait to cross the street until you see a green signal. Then look carefully to left, right and left again. If there is no traffic coming, cross the street.

What if there aren't any signals or crosswalks?

If you must cross the street, you should cross at an intersection if there is one. Stop at the side of the road, and look carefully to the left, right and left again. If there is no traffic coming, walk across the road. Don't run, you are more likely to fall.

To Learn More About Traffic Lights Visit Our Video-Test Section

Walking Near School


  • When school is opening in the morning and closing in the afternoon, it is a busy and crowded area.
  • There are children being dropped off or picked up by both school buses and parents.
  • It is important to look carefully to the left, right and left again if you have to cross the street.
  • If you must walk through parked traffic, stop and look carefully before stepping out from between vehicles.
  • Remember the danger areas around school buses where the drivers can't see you.
  • Don't run between parked cars and buses.
  • Don't run across the street or through a parking lot trying to catch up with your friends.

To Learn More About Pedestrian Behavior Visit Our Video-Test Section

The School Bus

Waiting for the school bus

When you are waiting for the school bus, you should wait at the bus stop, and stand well back from the curb.schoolbus

When you get off the bus:

  • Look to the rear of the bus before you step off the bottom step.
  • Take five giant steps straight out the bus door, and out of the danger zone.
  • Make sure you have eye contact with the driver, and wait for the driver to signal you before you cross in front of the bus.
  • Never go back for anything you have left on the bus.
  • Never bend down near or under the bus.

How to behave in the school bus

Your bus driver's number one interest is your safety. He or she will ask you to be on your best behavior.


  • It is important to listen to your bus driver in case there are any special instructions for your bus ride.
  • Sit quietly in your seat.
  • Speak quietly to the other children near you.
  • Do not jump up and down, fight or tease other passengers or make a lot of noise. These activities can bother your bus driver and he or she will not be able to give proper attention to driving.

These behaviors can bother any driver, including your family or a friend's family, and make it hard to drive safely.

Clothing can get caught

Jacket and sweatshirt drawstrings, backpack straps, scarves and loose clothing may get caught on the bus handrail or door. This is not only a danger while getting on or off the bus, but could happen any place on the bus.

School Traffic Behaviour

When school is opening in the morning and closing in the afternoon, the area around the school is a very busy and crowded. There will be many children using the crosswalk.
Car drivers, bikers and in-line skaters must stop to allow people in the crosswalk to cross the street.
It is important to look carefully to the left, right and left again if you have to cross the street.


Crossing the Road

Crossing the road where vehicles are parked


  • Avoid crossing between parked cars.

But if there is nowhere else to cross:

  • Choose a place where there is enough space between two cars
  • Make sure no car is about to move out of the parking - look for drivers in the cars, lights and listen for engines.
  • Ensure that you can easily get to the other side of the road.
  • Walk to the outside edge of the cars and stop.
  • Look on both sides for traffic.


Crossing road with a median

Some roads have an island or a median in the middle.

  • Treat each half of the road as a separate crossing.
  • Wait on the island or median, observe and then cross.

Crossing at a zebra crossing

If there is a zebra crossing, always use it.

  • Wait on the pavement near the edge and wait for all the traffic to stop before you start to cross.
  • After traffic has completely stopped from both sides, walk across on the black and white stripes.

Keep looking all round and listening because a driver might not have seen you.

If it is wet, cars take more time to stop.

Crossing where there is an island in the road

Mostly traffic flows in one direction on these roads.

  • Treat each half of the crossing as separate crossing.
  • Watch out for overtaking vehicles.
  • Do not assume that vehicles will stop.
  • Check that the vehicles have stopped before crossing.

School traffic managed by police or traffic marshalls

  • When school crossing is managed by police officers or traffic wardens, wait until they signal to you to cross the road.
  • Always cross in front of them and obey their instructions.

Crossing one-way roads

  • Check the direction in which the traffic is going.
  • Traffic will be flowing in more than one lane; do not cross until it is safe to cross the whole road.

To Learn More About Pedestrian Behavior Visit Our Video-Test Section

How to Cross a Road Safely


  • Find the safest place to cross then stop.
  • If available cross the road at a zebra crossing, traffic light crossings or at traffic islands or where there is a police officer or a traffic warden. Wait on the pavement until the traffic has completely stopped.
  • If not available, choose a place where you can see clearly along the roads in all directions, and where drivers can see you.
  • Never cross on turns.

    2. STOP

    • Stand on the pavement little way back from the edge. You should be away from the traffic but still be able to see all around. Even if there is no pavement stand at a little distance from the edge.
    • Don't hurry, give yourself time and have a good look all round.


    • Look for traffic in all directions and listen.


    • Wait patiently and let the traffic pass.
    • Cross when there is a safe gap and you are sure there is enough time.
    • Don't cross if you are not sure.


    • When it's safe, walk directly across the road.
      Keep looking & listening while crossing.

    Never run.

    To Learn More About Pedestrian Behavior Visit Our Video-Test Section

    Les 10 règles d'Or

    1. Eloignez-vous de la route!

    Lorsque vous jouez, assurez-vous que vous n'êtes jamais sur la route. Quand vous courez, rouler à vélo ou du skate board cela peut arriver rapidement. Le trottoir est la limite.

    2. Toujours regarder à droite et à gauche avant de traverser, même au feu vert !

    Traversez la rue uniquement à un feu vert. Même quand c'est "vert"; il faut toujours d'abord regarder dans toutes les directions pour s'assurer qu'aucune voiture ne roule.

    3. Dans l'obscurité, portez des vêtements clairs !

    Quand il fait noir dehors, toujours porter des vêtements clairs. Votre sac d'école devrait avoir des bandes réfléchissantes.

    4. Circuler à bicyclette sur le trottoir!

    Vous pouvez utiliser le trottoir chaque fois qu'il est plus sûr pour vous. Mais attention aux piétons.

    5. Portez un casque!

    Toujours porter un casque lorsque vous faites du vélo, même sur de courtes distances.

    6. L'éclairage du vélo et les freins doivent toujours fonctionner!

    Vérifiez régulièrement votre vélo avec vos parents. Tout doit être en place et fonctionner correctement: les freins, l'éclairage, les réflecteurs et la sonnette.

    7. Ne jamais rouler avec des rollers sur la chaussée!

    Si vous faites du roller, porter l'équipement complet de protection: casque et protections aux poignets, coudes et genoux. Ne jamais rouler avec des rollers sur la chaussée.

    8. Dans la voiture, utilisez un siège d'enfant et la ceinture de sécurité.

    Pour tous les trajets en voiture, même sur de courtes distances, utilisez un siège pour votre enfant. Toujours bouclez la ceinture de sécurité.

    9. Descendre sur le côté trottoir!

    Il faut toujours descendre de la voiture sur le trottoir, jamais dans la rue.

    10. Attention aux arrêts de bus!

    A l'arrêt de bus vous avez souvent à attendre. Lorsque le bus arrive ou s'en va, regardez comme un faucon. Et rester calme quand vous montez ou descendez du bus, et surtout ne jamais traverser la chaussée en face de l'autobus.


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