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This site was created for you to learn more about all kinds of traffic topics and also to test your knowledge about traffic rules. It contains approximately 400 exercises about various traffic issues and articles about the safe use of the road for both adults, as well as children.

Read articles about the Safety of Children on the Road

Read Articles about Safe Driving

Test your knowledge about the Road Traffic

TOP 10 des règles pour les enfants dans la circulation !

1. Eloignez-vous de la route!

2. Toujours regarder à droite et à gauche avant de traverser, même au feu vert !

3. Dans l'obscurité, portez des vêtements clairs !

4. Circuler à bicyclette sur le trottoir!

5. Portez un casque!

6. L'éclairage du vélo et les freins doivent toujours fonctionner!

7. Ne jamais rouler avec des rollers sur la chaussée!

8. Dans la voiture, utilisez un siège d'enfant et la ceinture de sécurité.

9. Descendre sur le côté trottoir!

10. Attention aux arrêts de bus!

How to Check Your Vehicle's Oil Level

You should check your car's oil at least once a month to make sure that there’s enough oil and that it isn’t contaminated. Oil reduces the friction in your engine and keeps it running smoothly. When you check your oil, if it is dirty or smells of gasoline, it should be changed.

Some European vehicles don’t have an oil dipstick. If you can’t find one on your vehicle, check the owner’s manual for the proper way to check your oil.

To find out whether your vehicle needs oil, follow these steps!

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General tips about how to behave in and around your car

  • Always wear your seat belt - and make sure all passengers buckle up, too.
  • Adjust your car's headrest to a height behind your head--not your neck--to minimize whiplash in case you're in an accident.


  • Never try to fit more people in the car than you have seatbelts for them to use.
  • Obey the speed limits, going too fast gives you less time to stop or react. Excess speed is one of the main causes of teenage accidents.
  • Don't run red lights.
  • Use turn signals to indicate your intention to turn or to change lanes. Turn it on to give the cars behind you enough time to react before you take the action. Also, make sure the signals turns off after you've completed the action.

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